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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sea Shells, Skeleton Key & The Secret

 From time to time, I pick up this book called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. {here} It help motivates me, lift my mood up, and inspiring in any aspect of what I am doing. It help connect my inner self which sometimes lost and makes me happy again.

"if you have any lack, if you are prey to poverty or disease, it is because you do not believe or do not understand the power that is yours, it is not a question of the Universal giving to you.  it offers everything to everyone - there is no partiality."
~ Robert Collier ~
Sources: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (here)

 "everything that you want - all the joy, love, abundance, prosperity, bliss - it's there, ready for you to grab a hold of it. and you've got to get hungry for it. you've got to be intentional. and when you become intentional and on fire for what you want, the universe will delivery every single thing that you've been wanting. recognize the beautiful and wonderful things around you, and bless and praise them. and on the other side, the things that aren't currently working the way you want them to work, don't spend your energy faulting or complaining. embrace everything that you want so you can get more of it."
~Lisa Nichols~
Sources: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

"the principle which gives the thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object, and therefore to master every adverse human experieence, is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. this is an eternal and fundamental principle inherent in all things, in every system of philosophy, in every religion and in every science. there is no getting away from the law of love. it is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. feeling is desire and desire is love. thought impregnated with love becomes invincible.
~Charles Haanel~
Sources: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

"what cvan you do right now to begin to turn your life around? the very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. this shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don't have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. you start to be grateful for all the things that you feel good about."
~Dr. Joe Vitale~
Sources: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

"if you don't understand the law that doesn't mean you should reject it. you may not understand electricity, and yet you enjoy the benefits of it. i don't know how it works. but i do know this; you can cook a man's dinner with electricity, and you can also cook the man!
~Bob Proctor~
Sources: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne


Happy Thursday Everyone!
Thank you for reading! 


  1. Love that old key - so pretty and great character! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  2. Hi Ellya, Thanks so much for joining in the party. I am glad to meet you from it & now following. Such lovely photographs & inspiring words. I hope to see you next week too! Happy Weekend! Theresa @DearCreatives

  3. Beautiful photos and I love that first quotation.

  4. Hiiii...I want to say " me too" huge believer of 'The secret'. So happy to have stumbled upon your blog :) n lovely pics!!

  5. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing with us at the hop :)

  6. Beautiful idea. Too bad we don't really have shells like that in Alaska, but I think it would still work, just a little plainer. -Aaron

  7. beautiful post, full of thoughtful and creative ideas, thanks to for sharing


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