I have been collecting vintage china for 10 years. But for the past 3 years I am slowing down quite a bit. Not only they are hard to come by but right now I have quite a lot of them. I particularly love the blue band one. Any china designed with a blue band and floral I seems to love very much. I used to scour Ebay to bid one by one until where I am now. But I found that it is getting harder and harder to get the pretty blue band china now a days. If there is, which is quite rare it is quite costly that I can't even afford any more. Last posted here and here.
Over time, I collected many dinner plates, salad plates, bowls, desert plates, serving dish, etc. Although they are not in the same pattern; they all are blue in color. I really like it that way. It is unique and pretty when put them together as a table setting for a dinner enough for 6 or 8 people like showing on these pictures. The key here is that I keep the color all in blue to tie them together. Surprisingly the table looks really pretty.
This dinner table setting is for 6 six people. It was during the time when my son and his girl friend was visiting us. We invited a couple that we are quite close with to introduce my son 'Buck' and his girl friend to them.
The truth is for me, entertaining dinner at home is very important. I want the food as equally good as the table setting. Thank God that night everyone loved my cooking. That they kept on mentioning that each course was so delicious. Even my son and his girl friend kept on coming to the kitchen and spoon some of the dishes out before the guests are coming.
Days after dinner they were eating the Beef Brisket left over until it was all gone.
Planning a dinner like this one is very exciting to me. I love planning the menu, buy the flowers as the center piece, setting the plate, etc. I do these days before the dinner time. And 2 days before I started to buy ingredients. And a day before I started to set up the table. This way 1 day before I can start to cook some of the meals. That leave me only 1, 2 or 3 meals to cook during the dinner day.
I was very excited because my mother in law gave me this silver ware that I totally had forgotten about. She gave me when were still living in our old home. Prior to this dinner I told my husband that I need to buy a new silverware. He then told me why don't I use the silverware his mother gave us. I was so thrilled and happy to see it again. It was so beautiful. I do not know anything about antique silverware but Steven my husband told me that this silverware is very expensive. I was curious that I checked on Ebay and I was shocked by the price. I could not believe that silverware can cost that much! I am honored to own it and that this silverware used to belongs to Steven's grand mother; his mother's mother. This silverware really gives the vintage/antique luxury to the whole dinner table setting.
I also collected wine goblets that has an etching to them. I love Fostoria brand. But it is getting more and more costly on Ebay. I can only afford 2 or 4 of them. So they are not in a set. To me, they do not need to be in a set. I think it is more interesting that way. Overall, I really love the table setting.
So what do you think? Would you use different mix and match dinner plates, salad plates and bowls like I do?
Have a great week end Everyone?

It's So Very Cheri by Cheri