This is the first time I have taken pictures of children for a Holiday theme. I must admit that I love doing it so much.
Taking picture of kids within the age of 2 to 5 is not the easiest. But somehow I love capturing children's expression when they are happy or cranky. It takes a lot of patience when taking picture of children in these age bracket because they aren't always in the best mood.
When they seems not want to cooperate - you as a photographer must not force the kid to pose or do what you want her/him to do. The trick is try to get their
attention like giving them a new toy, try to act funny (I always ask the parents to do this), and by calling their name. So you must always have an extra soft toy with you but do not let them see it all. You can give it to them one by one to buy time so that they always feel surprise and excite seeing the new toy. Inform the parents that they must have their meal just before the photo shoot it always help. Because feeding the kids during the photo shoot will give you an extra time to edit because you will finally see their picture with some crumbs on their lips. This happened on one of the children's pictures. I did the painstaking job, brushed off the crumbs out of his mouth during editing. Telling the parents to feed the kids at home before shooting is now my top priority.
Toddlers are the most adorable human being to be photographed. I love their candied expression. That's why as I mentioned above sometimes you will get a great shot when you let them do what ever they wanted to do. It unexpected and the result always the cutest.
All and all the shooting was a fun day for me. I selected and created the backdrop myself (I will talk more about this on my next post).
So take a look at these adorable kids. First group are Ella and her brother Christopher. And the second group is Thomas.
Thank you so much for reading!