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Showing posts with label peonies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peonies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Water Color Feathers + Peonies

A rain storm hit our area and so it was raining all day yesterday. 

I managed finishing a few projects that was behind and I am thrilled to show you one of them. Since the outside was a dark stormy day; I used day light lighting to shoot my projects. Dark room and photography are not good friend, I think we all know this fact. And I am not a fan using artificial light simply because I am a bit lazy to take the light out from somewhere in the house. But today I desperately need it. So I took them out anyway.

First I was always wanted to paint feather using water color. I am an acrylic abstract painter and I love water color as well which is the opposite technically. And I never took a formal class on how to learn to paint with water color. From reading a book, water color is not easy to do simply because unlike acrylic when you made a mistake you can paint it over with white and start all over again. Not with water color. You must build up the image layer by layer. Once you made a mistake, it can not be erased. And this technique is totally different than painting with acrylic I know.

Anyway, I read books and try to learn from it. So here is my water color feathers that I created.

As you can see the water color feathers are not perfect. Looking at this made me want to take a formal lesson on how to paint water color as it should be.  More less I am very happy with it. I think if I practice more often {I am thinking that is what I need  to do} it will get better. On the other hand, I am very happy with these peonies images as a result of using artificial lighting. Don't you think! The close up ones can be printed as a post card because those images are very sharp.

I also finished another project that long overdue; but I am going to reveal it next time.

Thank you so much for reading! 
Have a wonderful week end Everyone!