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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life Is As Sweet As Cherries

Looking back, I can not thankful enough to the life that God has given me. With disbelieve, in two weeks  my life would be exactly like what I wanted and dreamed about 12 years a go. In general I am a happy person and what not to be happy  for having a wonderful and an understanding husband who married me when I was just came out from a 2 months hospitalization with 3 surgeries for Aorta Aneurysm. What not to be happy marrying a man who understand and let me be what I wanted to be. I can go on and on about all the things I am grateful to be married to my husband "Steven".  Sometimes I am wondering why I deserved such person in my life, why I deserved such  good life like I have now. I don't know, but what I do know was that I used to dream and wanted it so much.  I wanted a good man as a husband,  an established career, a beautiful small home with a small garden, a studio and a nice kitchen. I used to picture these  every day in my single days as a student in NYC. It was a long time a go but felt like yesterday.

What I did not see it coming was that I got very ill and hospitalized for 2 months after met Steven (now my husband) for about 10 months in May/June 2004. 1 year later he proposed to me and we got married.

Now 12 years later those dreams are about to becoming true. It has been 3 months that the house under a renovation. It is almost over.

So far I have been planting some flowers like hydrangea, lily of the valley, and some wild flowers.   The house has a deck in the back just like I used to dream where I can paint art during summer time. I will plant a small rose garden just below the deck. Although I might not see the flower I planted blooming this summer, I am sure by next summer they all will be blooming for me to enjoy.

The fun part has just begun like we are now  buying new furniture for all the rooms like living room, master bedroom, and family room. I will have my own dream room; a working space/studio/office just for me. I am so thrilled about it. Now I can have all of my craft, paints, sewing machine all in one room. I went to IKEA to look for a working desk, a book case and shelves yesterday.  Oh, I am so excited to get to decorate all the rooms again.

Behind my back, Steven has been looking for a baby grand piano as well. I have been dreaming about owning a baby grand piano since a long time a go. I am a classical piano player. I have not played a piano since a long time a go because we do not have a piano right now. So I am dying to play piano regularly again.

Although my career did not turn out to be the way I wanted to be, I do believe and with some hard work, my photography business is starting to pick up clients.  I never knew that I enjoy taking picture of people very much. Sometimes you have to go through many different ventures until the right one arrives. I hope this is going to be a business that can be thriving. I do not wish it will grow into a huge business but I do want that it would be something that I can enjoy for a long time  while I am doing a task as a wife to Steven.

To all of you, what ever your dream is about, don't ever give up on them. You must dream and imagine it again and again in your mind as if it is happening right there and then.  I used to dream about it every single day,  wherever I went and in whatever I did. At night, my bedroom became a ritual sanctuary where I lid many candles around me sitting on the floor and just let my mind went to that beautiful place that I really want. I went to this place every single night for 2 years as if I could touch, smell, and feel. I think what happened  next was that my mind and body was set and ready  to meet this special person to share my life with.  I, myself drawn to that person who meant to be with me, to share the kind a life like in my dream designed for us together. And to fulfill me. My luck is also his luck. So we bound to be together.

The key for the dream to be happened is that you must work and put your energy in it as well. You can not sit around and just dream. It won't happen. To win a lottery first you  must go out and buy a lottery ticket right? For me at the time, beside dreaming and wanting, I went out my way to put myself toward the dream. Since my dream was to share my life with a person I really love, I must put myself to find this person first. That was the very first thing I did. You have to have a pure good intention when meeting this person. It is important that he sees that. As simple as that. If this person is not meant to be, don't give up. He is not the last person on earth you are going to meet. Once you met this person, if this is what your dream is about, then the rest will fall on you. Imagine your dream goal is like wanting to see a beautiful flower blooming out of a single seed you planted. First you must watering the plant, then you will start seeing the little leaves coming out. You will keep on watering the plant then it will grow taller.  Now the plant has some buds on the tip of the branches. And soon you will see the buds are starting to open up and becoming  beautiful flowers. After building relationship and trust in marriage, you and your husband will be moving into your beautiful dream home. It is like a chain reaction, it is a process,  your dream will just keep on going. And yes I am still dreaming  that I am working on right now. And just like in spring time, I am starting to see a few little leaves coming out and so does my dreams and the good intentions will start to happen. It is an ongoing process and it will go on forever.

For the dream to becoming true, you  must be realistic. Your dream must be within the capacity of you; your being and soul. If your dream to have a beautiful life with the man you love, it will be impossible to meet and to find 'a real prince from a far away kingdom' and hoping you will live in a huge beautiful castle. Dreams does not work that way. Dreams only works on what works for you. Working on the impossible it will just wasting your time. And it is not healthy for you. I knew since a long time a go that I always want of what I called "A HAPPY SIMPLE LIFE."

I am still pinching myself for what is happening to me now because,


Thank you so much for reading!

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