My heart was beating fast seeing the familiar looking note books. They were inside an old leather travel bag that was locked. I managed to cut the leather tag that hold the small lock; there they were ! Old diaries and poems written by me from the year 1996 up until 2003. I know I have not written a journal or diary for a long time now. So there is no entry after those years.
For a brief moment I was not sure if I want to continue reading the poems as it does brings a sudden sadness into every cell of my body. Especially seeing the delicate and fragile dried flowers on the pages. I remember where those flowers are coming from. They were from a trip up the Colorado mountain with my son when he was little helped me pick some of the wild flowers while walking around the mountain.
"Here is a pretty one Mommy!" his little voice is still echoing in my ear now.
I see the written date is 06 July 1996 {we put the date before the month in our country} = July 06, 1996
Do you see the dried flowers glued to a page amongst the fresh one ?
Do you have a poem that you wrote from a long time a go ?
Thank you for reading !